Cookies Privacy Policy

A cookie is a tiny file that gets stored on your computer’s hard drive if you agree. Once it’s stored, the cookie helps analyze web traffic or notifies you when you visit a specific site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. They can tailor their actions based on your preferences by gathering and remembering information about your likes and dislikes.

How Do We Use Cookies?

We use cookies to track which pages are being visited. This helps us analyze website traffic and improve our site to better meet users needs. We use this information only for statistical purposes, and the data is deleted afterward.

If you can face any problem to use our website , then you can drop a massage by clicking at the contact Contact we conact with you as soon as possible to solve your problem.


Cokies help us provide a better website experience by showing us which pages are useful and which are not. Cookies do not give us access to your computer or any personal information, except for the information you choose to share with us.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your browser settings to decline them. However, this may prevent you from fully using the website.